Engaged, Proven and Trusted Commercial Portfolio Advisors
CEIS Review evaluates and assesses commercial loan portfolios to assist Senior Management & The Board in objectively assessing the Credit Risk Quality & Administration of their Institutions portfolios.
Institutions with excellent portfolio quality often engage CEIS to maintain their Asset Rating, whereas Institutions and Organizations looking to improve the credit quality and administration of their portfolios engage CEIS Review for guidance and assistance throughout the process.
Established in 1989, for over 30 years CEIS Review has been supporting Community Banks, Regional Banks, Money Center Banks, International Banks, Finance Companies, and other specialty commercial lending organizations with CEIS’ Commercial Loan Review and related consulting services.
Incorporating an independent consulting firm into an Institution’s Credit Risk management efforts brings with it substantial benefits. Whether it’s the decades of experience that CEIS’ professionals bring to the table, the knowledge of ongoing industry trends, or the insightful advice regarding regulatory matters, CEIS consistently provides valuable tools for Institution management to utilize in managing credit risk.
Please navigate through our site, and feel free to contact us with any questions.

Loan Loss Reserve
ALLL Methodology Validation & Refinement
ALLL/CECL Engagements
Loan Portfolio Stress Testing
“Bottom Up” Loan Level Approach
“Top Down” Capital Adequacy Assessment
Stress Test Program Validation